Geometry City

Photo Credit: fdecomite via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: fdecomite via Compfight cc

Last week we got back into our classroom routine and started many new units, including a math unit on Geometry.  This unit is very vocabulary heavy. Some words they already knew, some are review, and some are being introduced for the first time. Students are making their own glossary of terms with their iPads using Keynote.  This week they will also design a city using geometric shapes, lines, and angles for the bulletin board in the hallway.

These are just the words we've covered in one week.  There are many more!

These are just the words we’ve covered in one week. There are many more!

Some other ways to support them at home are by doing the IXL skills that correlate with the lessons covered in class.  Each week on Monday, I list the skills on the board.  Students are required to write them in their homework agendas.  There are also a few free apps out there that we’ve been using in class.

  • Geoboard-they are using this to make the various shapes and saving pictures in their photo roll.
  • Think 3D Free– you can build your own 3D shapes.