iTeach 3rd

Miss B's Blog @ DAIS


Egg Salad Sandwiches and Pickles?

If you read the title of this post to your child, they would immediately start telling you all about the book we just finished, Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo. Two of the major themes in the book are friendship, and compassion and forgiveness.  In the book, Winn-Dixie (India Opal’s dog), helps her make friends after her and her father move to a new town. Throughout the book, India Opal accepts people despite what they may have been or done in the past.  Her compassion and forgiveness for others is what allows her to make so many wonderful, new, and different friends.  This book has sparked many conversations in our classroom about ourselves as friends and what qualities in friends are important to us.

Each student will be choosing a project based on the book to complete individually. They will be given time in class this week to plan and prepare materials needed to complete the project.  Then, it will be up to them to follow through with their plan at home.  This will be their homework all next week, along with their 30 minutes of reading time.  Please encourage them to work on their project a little bit each night so that they aren’t pressured to complete it at the last minute.  It will be due Friday, November 21.

Here’s a fun little board I created using Thinglink.  A very cool tool that mashes images, videos, and links into one neat display.  You can mouse over the book jacket and click on the icons to watch the movie trailer, which we will see in class this week, watch a cute cartoon about friendship, and an interview with the author of the book.


Building A Reading Life

What Do Good Readers Do?The beginning of the school year is all about establishing routines and expectations. We have been discussing things that good readers do and are beginning to work those habits into our reading lives.  I have completed some initial assessments and students now know what their independent reading level is.  This means that books at this level should feel “just-right”.  As you may know, there are many ways to measure book difficulty.  I am using the Fountas & Pinnell Guided Reading Leveling system which spans from A to Z.   One way you can find out the level of a book is using the Scholastic Book Wizard.  Please remember that this is not an exact science and your child could still thoroughly enjoy books that are a level below or above their Independent Reading Level.

There is one important way for children to progress from the book level they can read to the next level and it is this: the child must read many books at his or her level.  The child will do best if he or she can talk about those books with someone who also loves reading.Post-It

One way we are working on talking about the books we read is by using post-its to flag different ideas. Please try to encourage them to do this at home also.  This will help them to be more comfortable discussing and sharing about the books that they are reading.


Book Club Reflections

Tomorrow is the last day to meet in our Book Clubs.  Please take a moment to reflect on your own experience.  We know that it is important to read books from all genres.  Next week we will be analyzing our reading logs and talking to our peers to help us figure out what books to read next.


Author Chat

We are very excited that after only one week of being on Twitter we were able to connect with an author and arrange a Skype chat with him on May 15th!   Chris Grabenstein is the author of Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library, and many other fun-filled books for kids.  I read this book as a read aloud and it was enjoyed by all.  Since the book is still fresh in our minds I would like each student to prepare 1-2 questions that they will ask Mr. Grabenstein during our chat.  It can be about the book, other books he has written, or about the writing process.  Here is a link to his website to help you get started.


Books Clubs in Action

Last week we kicked off Book Clubs.  Students are grouped by similar reading abilities and interests.  The first challenge was to find books for everyone and now they are reading and meeting 2-3 times per week.  Each member gets a turn to be the facilitator of the meeting and everyone must come to the meeting with their best sticky notes to share.  It is so thrilling to watch and hear students talking about what they are reading.  IMG_0181 IMG_0182 IMG_0187 IMG_0184 IMG_0185 IMG_0192

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